Vino Falerno
Trabucco Aurilio
Our Goal
Our project springs from ancient heritage which dates back to the late 1800’s, between two small villages that, in the shadow of Mount Massico, hold unexplored corners with infinite traditions made up of flavours, cultures, but mostly authentic relationships. On the slopes of Mount Massico can be found the soils of Lettieri and the hill of St. Paolo, where the grape that gives life to our Riserva is produced.
Cascano (hamlet of Sessa Aurunca and Carinola) and Casale (hamlet of Carinola) are the places of our own history and of our winery.
Testimonies of millennial traditions that have been handed down by keeping silent, with simplicity, timing of cultivated lands and of the vineyard …

Falerno Wine
About us
Ours is a family history, born on the “slopes of Mount Massico”, as reads one of the very first labels released for the company “Trabucco e S. Aurilio”
in the late eighties. Casimiro Trabucco, rifleman of the Royal Navy, and his brother-in-law Silvestro Aurilio, local businessman, decided to give a structured form to a ritual that characterized, for millennia, life and daily grind of their territory, the production of Falerno Wine.
Edonè vi dice:
Qui si beve per un asse, ma se me ne dai due berrai vini migliori; se poi me ne dai quattro ti faró bere del Falerno
Pompeii excavations
“Taverna di Edonè”
Access the form or use the data below to contact us.
- info@trabuccoaurilio.it
Via S.Aurilio, 81030
Casale di Carinola (CE)